Culture Transformation

A New Age Culture Management built on Age Old Human Science

P.R.GLO deploys a technique of “Self Realization” for the evolvement of individuals and developing a good organizational culture. This technique has been developed on the basis of ancient human enlightening and evolvement science of Tamil Siddhars. The Tamil Siddhars were primordial Tamil sages, spiritual giants who composed the foundations of spiritual, medical, literary and scientific development.

This transformation science which aims to improve the quality of life, is proven over thousands of years. It helps to eliminate the negativism in individual, group and organization. It helps to carry out a dissection of “desire” to harness the positive energies and eliminate negativism. It helps individual to discriminate between the desire that will do good and the desire that brings misery.

“Beliefs” and “Ethics” are challenged with care and compassion to bring about desirable behavior changes.

In this regard PRGLO has done pioneering research in blending an ancient science on human evolvement with the modern age human resources management science to produce an effective tool for transforming Culture.

The transformation process addresses the survival and safety needs of individuals, groups and organizations.

Focuses on building relationships on understanding, trust and goodwill. Emphasizes the importance of good transactions. Cultures are driven by transactions. How transactions are conducted in an organization determines the cultural capability of an organization. Unjust or mismanaged transactions have been on many occasions, the cause of cultural disorders. Changes in cultural health, whether they are advancements or regressions, are precipitated by transactions.

P.R.GLO focuses on the kinds of transactions that are taking place, emphasizes Fair-play, supports in making them Win-Win, to build the desired culture.

A typical transformation program would have:

  • Self Awareness Program for Individual Development
  • Re-Orientation of Focus in Individuals
  • Fair-play Program
  • Values Focus module
  • Organizational Vision Focus module
  • Leadership Style Focus module
  • Individual Solutions Development
  • Group Solutions Development

The program would be customized to cater to the needs of organizations. The program would also be tailored for the Top, Middle and Lower Management needs. The program would be the “Change Engine” for the Organization in its journey towards its Vision.

Managing Culture external to the organization

Business is becoming more and more global. Global Marketing and Business Process Outsourcing are the in-things today. Organizations must be able to communicate effectively across cultural differences, the understanding of how to negotiate complex social situations, and the development of familiarity with the customs and norms of many cultures. It is important for organizations to be able to work effectively across cultural differences.

P.R.GLO offers services and supports organizations, in working effectively across cultural differences.

We specialize in the cultures across Europe and India.

Culture is the most precious asset your organization has ! We offer our services in helping you nurture it!

A Good Culture works Wonders!

Let it work for you!

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